Archimedes B2B Help Center

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The product search field is visible on B2B Platform in two places:

- on the homepage:

- on the shop page:

The following can be entered in the field:

  • the name of the product or part of it e.g. 121552 roller R-40B20ML83-PEG 

  • product SKU code e.g. P00-062-493

  • manufacturer's product code e.g. 121552

To narrow the search, you can use the % sign instead of spaces, e.g. 40%8M%50

Adding a product to the basket is possible from the level: 

- product catalogue - by pressing the basket icon button:

- single product page - by pressing the Add to Cart button:

Once this is done, the product will appear in the shopping basket:

The ordering process on the B2B platform is simple and intuitive. Once the product(s) have been added to the basket, we can click on the basket icon in the top right corner and see what products are in the basket. At this point, we can also change the number of products in the basket or remove them from the basket altogether.

We then click Next to optionally enter the customer's internal order number on the next screen.

When you move on, you will see a screen with the selection of the shipping method, the editing of the delivery address and the Order button.

Then, once the mandatory consents have been accepted and the Order button is clicked, the order will be forwarded for processing.

When placing an order, it is possible to add comments to the order, which will be forwarded to the sales administration. The designated field for this is located in the Information tab, visible at the cart stage:

The My Account tab contains the portal user's data and sales documents such as sales orders, invoices and receipts.

By clicking on the selected department, a list of documents will be displayed, together with the date of creation and the value.

Clicking on any of the documents will take you to the view of the document list, where the user can: 

  • check the status of a document

  • download a document

  • print a document

  • send a message to the salesperon/ person issuing the document

  • check the message history of a document

Once an order has been placed, it is possible to send a message to the sales administration directly from the B2B Platform without sending an email.

To send a message to the administration department, you need to go to the document view - this can be done in two ways: 

  • from the email sent after placing the order

  • under the My Account tab

Beneath the displayed document view, there is a Messages field, where you can easily send a message, including with an attachment.

Access to an account on the B2B Platform is only possible after entering a login and password. If you wish to change your password, this can be done from the My Account -> Security Settings page.

Once in the Security Settings, we can change the account password.

It is possible to change the delivery address when you place your order. To do this, click on the Edit button visible in the Delivery and Payment step and then enter the new shipping address.